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  • Landon Keyes

Depressed by Diagnosis to Deeply Dazzled & Delightfully Doting

One year ago yesterday, March 18th, 2023, our lives changed forever.

Initially, when we received Rhett’s diagnosis at 12 weeks in utero on March 18th, 2023, we thought they had changed in the worst possible way.

Today, March 19th, 2024 — 366 days, 52 weeks, 12 months later, after sitting in a doctor's office sobbing and pleading with God for an alternate outcome, we stand corrected and humbled. It was absolutely not at ALL the worst result, but instead, the very best, most rewarding, joyful, fulfilling, loving, and amazing experience we could have ever prayed for — and still very much is!

No, it wasn't the plan we imagined. It wasn't the journey we predicted. It's so much more than that - it's God's incredibly perfect plan. We've laid our hope, faith, and trust in HIM, and in HIM alone.

Just as He promised, He had a miracle in the works and still does!

Lay it all at His feet and watch what He'll do! I promise it will be worth it. More worth it than you could have ever imagined.

We are His canvas and clay. He is our Artist and Potter. We will serve Him all the days of our lives as we allow Him to shape and form us to match His vision and purpose.

God's greatest testimony for Michael and I came in the form of a precious baby boy who has Down syndrome, and we will shout his worth, his value, the love we have for him, and the miracles God continues to perform in his pure, gentle body from the mountains and in the streets.

One year later — only ONE — and I can't believe how much love my heart has for this angel -- so much that it physically hurts! I can't imagine how I'll feel in another year, but I sure do look forward to it.

One year ago, when we felt our world was upside down, we really were in for the most beautiful ride of our lives!

Thank you, Jesus, and thank you, Rhett, for your unconditional, unwavering, limitless love that has taught me, encouraged me, changed me, and guided me! I owe everything to you!

Michael Rhett Keyes, we love you with our whole hearts.
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